June 30 - Fire in Denali! (and very visible to all)

Big news...but not surprising news.  We have not had any appreciable rain while we've been here (since May 23rd), and today the worst thing happened - a forest fire erupted across the Nenana River from McKinley Chalet.  Here are some headlines and hyperlinks to read more about this fast moving fire:

Smokejumpers, aircraft responding to fire in Denali National Park - Alaska Wildland Fire Information

Wildfire closes Denali National Park, prompts evacuations - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (This is the local paper and it still has a an entire page devoted to comics!  I miss that.)

Wildfire prompts evacuations near Denali National Park entrance along Parks Highway - Alaska's News Source

I was running my regular shuttle run into Denali this morning when something started feeling weird.  (My journalistic instincts kicking in, I guess.)  I was at the train depot picking up guests, and several were talking about a fire along the railroad tracks.  So I talked to the station agent who shared that a fire had started along the railroad tracks.  (My guess is that a spark from the train - metal train wheel hitting an open spot in the railroad track or overheating brakes - lit the tinder dry grass along the tracks. Just my speculation.)  I didn't have any passengers on board, so I drove north just outside the park and saw incredible plumes of smoke.

This is about a 10 acre fire, but it has now grown to 350 acres.  

And the fire grew right before my eyes!

The spruce in the forest are dry as well, so they lit up like a match.  

Prior to 1972, the Alaska Railroad was the only way to get to Denali National Park.  That's when the Parks Highway opened and visitation doubled in one year!  So a significant portion of the Alaska Railroad is inside the park.  There is only one railroad track for the Alaska Railroad, so this fire is completely disrupting their operations.  Northbound traffic from Anchorage is being halted about 15 miles south of us, and I drove down there to get the passenger/guests who are staying with us.  And DPV is also housing several folks who have been evacuated from McKinley Chalet, which is directly across the Nenana River from the fire.  We'll figure out southbound traffic tomorrow.  

Of course, the Park Service is fighting this fire since it was human caused. Smokejumpers have been called in; local fire fighters are on the scene; fire fighting air tankers are dropping water; helicopters with sling buckets of water draped underneath are in the mix as well.  

Denali Park Village about 8 miles south of the fire, which is moving north and up the hillsides.  So we're in no danger.  Trails are closed and all tours into Denali National Park have been suspended.  Needless to say, some folks aren't too happy.  Alaska is a "life list" place for many people.  We've been told that there is no electricity in the canyon (closest to this fire). 

This was important news that I wanted to share immediately, so I will get back to the regular weekly blog later. In the meantime, we're fine...and hope you are too.  


  1. How devastating!! So glad you all are safe. Praying they can get the fire under control quickly. Please take care of one another.


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